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Stijn and Johanna live physically married together in permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union and united already many people into their Union. If you want to be the next one in Harmonious Twin Flame Union, let us help you! 

Live Your Happily Ever After With Your Twin Flame Now.



Are you tired of being single, lonely, frustrated and lost on your Twin Flame journey? 

Do any of the following sound like you?

  • Hurt, disappointment and confused: Did you had the most wonderful time with the person you love and all of the sudden this person blocked you, abandoned you or rejected you? 

  • Lonely, single and looking for your one true love: You are fed up with wasting your time, energy and money on relationships that aren't full filling all your heart's desires. You desire to share life with your perfect partner.

  • Married but completely unhappy: You can not deny your feelings any longer and can not  keep up the lie any longer. You can simply not explain yourself why you feel such a deep love for your Twin Flame which is completely normal.

Maybe you are even experiencing something else. No matter what, your Twin Flame loves you and we can show you the way to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union and to all your hearts' desires with your one true love. If you answered yes to even one of the questions above, Twin Flames Traveling Within Masterclass was created for you.

We unite you with your Twin Flame, effortlessly and easily. 

About Stijn and Johanna of Twin Flames Traveling Within

Stijn and Johanna are Twin Flames in permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union and live physically married together. Both their true life purpose is to bring people together with their one true love and to help them live their hearts's desires! Thanks to both Johanna and Stijn's lifelong study of psychological, spiritual and psychic information Stijn and Johanna came into Harmonious Twin Flame Union on the 26th of February 2020. Studying the teaching approach of Twin Flames Universe brought them the big breakthrough that they needed for their Harmonious Union. Just recently Stijn and Johanna gave each other the biggest commitment that you can give to another, they married on the 7th of April 2021. Both Stijn and Johanna are immensively grateful to the teachings that Jeff and Shaleia through Twin Flames Universe provided for them.
Since childhood on Stijn connected with angels and the Divine. Since 2009 Stijn intensively studied spirituality and psychic development through which he mastered his psychic skills to the fullest. Clear audience, clear voyance, clear feeling, telepathy, medium ship, automatic writing and precognition are one of the skills Stijn mastered.
Johanna has a Bachelor Degree in Design Management and loved books from her early years on. Johanna gained a lot of experience and psychological knowledge through her first hand many different work experiences, from working as a flight attendant, sales person, designer to a childcare assistant. Clear sentience and clear knowing come very easy to Johanna.
Stijn and Johanna are true knowledge seekers and love to cultivate and share wisdom with others. Both Stijn and Johanna learnt from psychologists, spiritual teachers and psychic teachers worldwide. Especially Twin Flames Universe and the spiritual wisdom of Tana Hoy brought them to where they are right. Another big thank you goes to their coaches of Twin Flames Universe. Stijn and Johanna are forever grateful. No words could express enough the gratitude they feel and ultimately all gratitude goes to God.




"Stijn and Johanna are spectacular coaches. They perfectly embody the vibration of Harmonious Twin Flame Union and in their presence it's really effortless to feel it. It's just so Divine! In your Twin Flame journey you need support and I could not recommend them more. They truly are God sent. If you really want to move forward in your Twin Flame journey, do yourself a favour, work with them."


"They helped me move from fear, anxiety and a need to control, to experiencing joy, trust, and peace. I will absolutely be working with them again!"


"Stijn and Johanna were like a loving mom and dad, they hold their child and gave so much warm embrace. This was really healing and so needed for me. So I will give this feeling of softness and holding love to every part of myself."

Stijn and Johanna help you transform your life so that you can have your dream partner and your dream life. Your life will transform in every way. Perfect love, peace, freedom, wealth, a life of joy and bliss await you through our help.

What being coached by

Stijn and Johanna feels like:





Twin Flames Traveling Within is designed to guide you into your harmonious relationship with your one true love FAST.

live your Happily Ever After with your Twin Flame
dreamed of




You’re looking for that missing key that you haven’t found just yet?

The answer?

We simplified everything.


We made it easy to understand. And most importantly, easy to implement. 


Being in Harmonious Twin Flame Union is actually easy. Creating your dream life of love, happiness and joy is so much simpler than you think.


Lose the complexity and come learn how it can be done in a much better way.

Very soon you WILL get the hidden blueprint that you’ve been looking for.

We are gonna lay it all out for you.

The Ultimate All-In-One Online Spiritual Education Program that you will ever need

About Twin Flames Traveling Within Masterclass and why you need it: 

Twin Flames Traveling Within MASTERCLASS is a deep-dive program taught exclusively by Stijn and Johanna, Twin Flames in Harmonious Twin Flame Union. TFTWM has been intentionally curated to give you the best of the best when it comes to uniting with your Twin Flame, spiritual principles and ascension. Most importantly of all,  TFTW is uniquely results-driven.

This is the only program that you will ever need when it comes to uniting with your Twin Flame. Rather than throwing a ton of meaningless material at you, Stijn and Johanna teach you ONLY what you need to know to implement ASAP. It’s simple, easy-to-digest, and taught using modern-day language. There is no complex spiritual jargon in here! 


Each class of the Masterclass program gets recorded and is accessible via the members 'area. Being part of the exclusive Facebook group is one of the many privileges you receive.

Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of Twin Flames Traveling Within Masterclass.


Twin Flames Traveling Within


Sign Up Now For Our New Exclusive Group Masterclass
Save Your Seat Now Because Spaces Are Limited!

There is simply no one else who will get you to the finish line: harmonious relationship with your beloved that you deserve!

Whether Twin Flames Traveling Within / Stijn and Johanna are a good fit for you: 

Twin Flames Traveling Within Is PERFECT FOR YOU If You Are

Huge Willingness to change, to look within and to accept change 

Readiness to do whatever it takes to be with their one true love, their Twin Flame

An all-in Attitude to invest time, money and energy for reaching your dreams

Eagerness to learn and apply spiritual principles for creating your dream life

Someone who sees learning, healing oneself as the ultimate INVESTMENT in his/her own future

Twin Flames Traveling Within Is NOT THE BEST FIT FOR YOU If You Are

Unwillingness to heal, to choose love and to be guided

Stuck in the limiting story of why you CAN'T be with your Twin Flame

Unwillingness to take 100% responsibility for your reality

Looking for a quick fix to your problems
or for getting a get-your-Twin Flame-quick scheme

Someone who sees healing and loving yourself as an "expense"

Someone who is just daydreaming and not proactively doing something to resolve the problem

Looking for someone to do the work for you
or looking for someone to fix you



The Trap to Avoid on the Twin Flame Journey!
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#twinflames #twinflamelove #twinflamejourney #lovemessages #lovepoetry #love #twinflame

Stijn and Johanna have found in each other their one true love.

Stijn and Johanna live happily married in their Harmonious Twin Flame Union and they believe you can too.

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Twin Flames Traveling Within.


Stijn and Johanna of Twin Flames Traveling Within help you fast track your Harmonious Twin Flame Union and everything your heart desires.

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