Giving and receiving love and good are the same. You never lose it, you only extend it and receive more of it. Receive the giving and receive the receiving. Be open in both directions, however, God asks. Bless the giver and bless the receiver within and without!
You always receive infinite Heavenly blessings when you are open to the flow of giving and receiving because giving is receiving and receiving is giving. You always receive infinite good no matter what. What is yours is yours and will always and only arrive at your doorstep!
I realized this when God gave me this insight. That you can shower yourself with good consistently and give to others as well. But if you give and you forget to receive, then what are you giving?
It’s like you give a bottle of the finest wine but the bottom of the bottle is open.
So everything you give just pours through. This way, you will never feel satisfied or content, if you are not receiving the giving.
Then how can you truly give?
What are you giving?
That is where co-dependency starts.
But if you truly choose to always include yourself to fully receive the love and good that God through you gives to yourself in the form of self-love and self-care along with fully receiving that which God through you gives lovingly to others without expectation. Then you know that you always receive infinite love and good in increasing amounts.
That is how God works because choosing to receive it fully and keep it and add more to it, will replace that bottomless bottle of wine with a wine bottle with a bottom. So that your wine bottle always stays full and overflowing with the finest most juicy wine. Which is a metaphor for love, self-care, and infinite good.
In this way, you end co-dependency, control, and expectations.
The Teachings of Union teach you to exactly love yourself and to receive that Love from yourself fully. That’s the proper way to live life.
Only then you can have your loving inner world reflected to you on the outside through your Twin Flame and God through other people.
So, if you have upset, then apply the Teachings of Union.
If you feel angry at your Twin Flame, apply the Teachings of Union.
If you feel lonely or needy, then apply the Teachings of Union.
If you feel lack, then apply the Teachings of Union.
You only ever want and need more self-love.
But first, seek the Kingdom of God within and his righteousness, and everything you truly need and what’s truly for you and makes you truly happy will be added to you!
The Teachings of Union that give the key to healing Twin Flame separation and give you the spiritual foundation for your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Our Ascension Coaching Services are meant to deepen your understanding of the Teachings of Union and that help you purify and heal your soul even faster, all the way till Perfect Union with Love, God and Your Twin Flame.