Hi, I am Stijn.
I have been a student of this wonderful Twin Flames Universe community for 5 years.
I can honestly testify that since day 1 I felt warmly welcome and lovingly treated by this community. And that is and always will be the case in this loving group. I was always a spiritual seeker and someone who practiced meditation and strengthened my relationship with God.
I felt guided by God to this wonderful community and the Teachings of Union. And from day 1 my life started to flourish and become better and better. Only after 8 months of applying the Teachings of Union daily to heal my upsets and wounds, I finally found my true Twin Flame Johanna. We are in permanent Twin Flame Union thanks to the teachings of Jeff and Shaleia and we have seen many miracles in our life. This is a testimony that when you go all in, then this will all be possible for you as well.
I was always a spiritual seeker and someone who practiced meditation, saw beyond the veil, was able to talk to light beings, and strengthened my relationship with God. I always felt I had a good relationship with God and I loved myself through life. But still, I felt like something was missing. I was longing for that perfect partner. That perfect eternal wife that I knew I always felt in my heart. The partner who would join me on my spiritual journey and who would be just as me fully committed to God and us and our life purpose together. Before applying the Teachings of Union I did all kinds of things to reach enlightenment. I did advanced meditation and Kriya and I reached a lot of enlightenment, Love, peace, and harmony.
I always felt like this state of enlightenment was pleasant. But something was missing. I still felt in my heart that longing for my Twin Flame and I felt we had a purpose together. So I knew that there was something new to come. And that I know that my previous spiritual practices had played out the foundation of what was to come next.
When I joined TwinFlamesUniverse and started applying the Teachings of Union I learned how to love myself even more. I never really learned how to love and take care of myself properly. I always followed God and allowed God to stream where he wanted to steam. And always wanted to ascend as Buddhists do. But after applying the Teachings of Union more and more I realized that I could have a beautiful life with my Twin Flame who is my perfect dream woman here on earth. I realized that by loving myself more and more, I started to feel better and better, including my beloved Twin Flame Johanna.
I have experienced success after success and miracle after miracle by applying the Teachings of Union. After only 8 months of applying the Teachings of Union, I came together with my Twin Flame Johanna. The Teachings have helped me heal deep emotional traumas, they have helped and still do to this day and forever a big growth and positive expansion in all areas of my life. I learned a lot about self-love and self-respect and Johanna and I have
seen only positive growth and steady expansion of deep love and abundance in our union and all areas of our lives together.
My life has improved drastically since day 1. I have been deepening my relationship with God myself and my beloved Twin Flame since day 1. I have seen many manifestations in my life that are directly related to applying the Teachings of Union daily. My relationship with myself has drastically improved and I was finally able to heal all my upsets, triggers and wounds and change them into love, light, and more good.
I have seen relatives and others be happy for me and the positive transformations in my life.
What is your favorite part about being a part of the Twin Flames Universe community?
TwinFlamesUniverse is a loving group of like-minded people who only have 1 goal and that's to come closer to God, find their Twin Flame and Life Purpose, and help others to do the same. I have seen since day 1 nothing but warmth, Love and respect in this group.
Harmonious Twin Flame Union is for you too!
There is no better way to reach that inner and outer state of the Harmonious Union than through applying the Teachings of the Union.
It's critical to know how to apply the Teachings of Union properly for you to heal the core blocks and wounds that keep you and your Twin Flame from being attracted to each other.
If you finally want to know how to heal all the underlying blocks and root causes of why your Twin Flame is ignoring you and not attracted to you, so that you finally can start magnetizing your Twin Flame in a way to makes it impossible for him or her to stay away from you or keep their hands off you and have that deep devoted romantic relationship that you always dreamt of, then click the link below to find out how we can help you solve the issue of your Twin Flame not being attracted to you.
Book your first 50% off Introductory Session now and start magnetizing your Twin Flame now!
The Teachings of Union by Jeff and Shaleia:
