Your Twin Flame journey asks you consistently to evolve, to change, to heal and to increase your vibration of Love.
If you don't accept your Twin Flame's Divine function first of all, to be your Ascension tool and to be your greatest Teacher and Mirror you are not honoring the core purpose of being together with your Twin Flame.
Twin Flame Love is nothing to get high off. If you treat your Twin Flame or anything like that are you really in peace or are you just trying to leach off their good and avoid your feelings?
It's safe to realise that you are own healer and hero - you must - if you don't your Twin Flame will not join you for very long in your misery.
Twin Flames meet in Love. In peace. In fear or in any form or misery your Twin Flame can not relate to you there and needs to show you all the places where you need love and healing.
You will get presented your lessons until you choose to embody the lesson and have healed it completely. If not, the lessons will keep presenting themselves.
If you desire way more personal support to help you navigate your Twin Flame journey with way more ease and peace, then click on this link and book your first 20% off Introductory Session with us, or with Stijn or with Johanna:
We are looking forward to meeting you.
Here the link to the Teachings of Union that help you heal Twin Flame separation permanently and efficiently:
