About Stijn and Johanna
We found each other through the Teachings of Union by Jeff and Shaleia. For a long time, we both experienced false Twin Flames, with whom we had very little contact with. Due to these circumstances, our persistence in committing 100% to the Teachings of Union, the classes of Twin Flames Universe, and Ascension Coaching Services, and due to faith that there must be one person out there for us too, we made it. All of a sudden, poof, we found each other.

You are worthy of going all in and loving yourself completely by investing in all the wonderful services Jeff and Shaleia offer. If you commit to yourself and this journey, you are guaranteed deep peace, absolute freedom and the inner realization and physical manifestation of your Harmonious Union with yourself, God, and your Twin Flame. God is just waiting for you to finally come back home and to remember your true state of oneness with God, yourself, and your Twin Flame.

Coming into Harmonious Union was very peaceful. We felt all along, from our first communication, deep peace and safety in being with each other. It was only after we fully surrendered everything to God that God opened that door for us and guided us very gently home.
With the work of Jeff and Shaleia, we came into Harmonious Union with our true selves, with God and, naturally, with our true Twin Flame. Jeff and Shaleia’s teachings are very, very easy. They are the ultimate healing, self-loving, self-realization, and freedom-gifting tool we have ever encountered. We are so grateful that God guided us here. It is the quickest way to love, your true self, God,
your Twin Flame and all your dreams.

You can absolutely be in Harmonious Union with your true Twin Flame and God. In fact, you are already in Harmonious Union and have never left. The key is to LOVE YOURSELF and choose to believe only in love, God’s truth, and to heal every part of you that is asking for love. Only love is real, and you are deserving of all of that love! Heaven on Earth is already here – thanks to the teachings of Jeff and Shaleia, the whole Twin Flames Universe community, our very gifted coaches, and all of humanity awakening to their true divinity and oneness with God and their Twin Flame.
Our Vision
Stijn & Johanna are very passionate about sharing God’s truth with you. Their vision is for all of humanity to know the love of God and to see their Divine oneness with that love, their true selfs and their Twin Flame. Healing separation from God and bringing Heaven on Earth to all is their dream because in truth God, their Twin Flame, love and all their good never left.