New universal downloads are coming in to realign everyone in the multi cosmos with Mother Father source and the Divine Masculine and Feminine energy within. So there will be a recalibration coming up next week.This is not gender-related. Both energies will be centered and balanced into the full being of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
For the Divine Feminines, This coming week will be all about feeling and fulfilling a deep need to allow herself to nurture and to care for herself. To relax, to just be with herself and her inner being. She will feel the need to treat herself gently and kindly and romanticize herself in all ways possible, to process here deep feelings that she suppressed for so long.
The new downloads coming in from Mother Father source will bring up a lot of old memories and deep wounds that are related to the Masculine energy, whether it is the father figure or the Masculine as a partner. It is important to love yourself there and to let all those old experiences and beliefs about the Masculine and Feminine energy go and to forgive yourself and everyone and to focus on what Mother and Father Source Truth about you and everyone is. Doing this will magnetize your Twin Flame even more toward you.
At the end of the week, the Feminine will feel a deep inner balance peace, and love within herself. A deep feeling of satisfaction within herself as well as a strong empowerment and a more loving and motivated vision towards herself, her Twin Flame, and life in general.
For the Divine Masculines, the new cosmic downloads will bring up his relationship and memories with the Divine Mother and Feminine energy and he will feel a deep need to balance his life out and to get some extra rest and relaxation in order to be able to process these deep feelings and emotions. The Divine Masculine needs to allow himself to feel these deep feelings and to accept himself there.
Near the end of the upcoming week, the Divine Masculine will have received deep integration and downloads from Mother-Father Source and will have a new deeper more enlightened and loving understanding of his relationship with the Divine Mother and Feminine energies. As a result, he will feel act and think in a way more gentle appreciative and generous way toward his Divine Feminine Twin Flame. As he will feel the deep inner Union between the Masculine and the Feminine deep in his heart.
For the Masculine, it's important to focus on balancing the workload and relaxation time and to focus on grounding and to allow himself to just be and flow in a balanced way.
For both the Masculine and Feminine: Be extra gentle and loving. Don't take things personally and look at yourself, your Twin Flame, and the world through Love's eyes.
And stay tuned for more Twin Flame Energy Updates to come!
If you feel a deep need for support on your Twin Flame journey and you feel lost and stuck, then reach out to us to book your first Introductory Twin Flame Healing Session for 50% off from the normal price.
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Here the link to Twin Flames Universe and the majestic Teachings of Love, Truth and Union that brought us today where we are. Highly recommend!