Any successful person will tell you that no matter which dream you have, your dream will require effort, perseverance, and grid.
You will not always feel like doing it. So relying only on feeling good about the work of the day, will not do it. You also need consistency, commitment internal motivation, and drive.
An important part of pursuing any dream, whether it is your dream of Harmonious Twin Flame Union or any other dream, is that you alone are the one who is responsible for acquiring your dream. You alone are responsible for your life. It’s like cause and effect.
Of course, a good healthy life and lifestyle, and a basic solid foundation are very important to support yourself in the pursuit of your dream.
In order to receive you have to give, if you are not giving, how can you expect to receive?
But what if you just desire instant gratification, instant results, instant anything… Most good things in life aren’t instant especially if you desire to attain something with God, with Love, eternally.
Acquiring something eternally requires different principles than just going out to get it, grab it, or in any other way control it. This is not how it’s done in Love’s / God’s way.
Coming from a pure state of Love should be the primary motivational starting point for any dream or goal that we have. A genuine heart. Genuine intention. Genuinely wanting to love someone, something, or all. If we don’t desire to love or give something but just desire to receive without putting in any effort, there is a block that needs to be moved through.
The Universe or Life desires to share the Love that you give in return but you must share it first with Life to receive in kind. So why are you resisting Love?
If you desire support on how to move through any blocks or resistance towards Love, your Harmonious Twin Flame Union, or the life of your dreams, then click this link and you can receive a 50% off Introductory Session:
The Teachings of Union by Jeff and Shaleia you find here:
